Tuesday, April 1, 2008


1. mmmmm.... English Breakfast
2. Painting of Stonehenge
3. It was cold and windy
4. The real thing
5. I guess they have the right of way.
Nobody needs much of an introduction to Stonhenge or much explanation about it I think. Most people have heard of it and if you don't know many of the details about it don't worry. The archaeologists don't really know why it is there either. Of course there are a lot of theories but for the most part it will probably always remain a mystery. Anyway it lies in Wiltshire which is sort of between where Eva and I were (Kent) and where we were headed (Wales) so we decided to swing by because Eva had never seen it before. In English terms it was a long way out of the way and many people thought we were crazy but I'm American and I think the scale of such things is a bit different.

1 comment:

skinnygirl said...

wow!!! wish i can travel like you..that would be a dream come true..