Friday, April 11, 2008

Back from Wales

1. The (Famous?) Banbury Cross.

2. The old watering hole.

3. Pete got the guitar out.

4. So many charming old buildings in Canterbury.

5. About to leave on a not very enjoyable ferry ride.

On our drive across the UK back from our weekend in Wales we made several stops and spent one night in between. When I had lived in the UK it was in an unheard of (by non Brits) town called Banbury. For old times sake I wanted to swing by there and snap a few photos. Also I wanted to eat at Burger King as they don't have it here in Belgium. I am shamed to admit it but I miss American fast food and I knew Banbury had a Burger King. I had had enough English breakfasts to last me a while. Also we spent the night SW of London with my friend Pete. I met Pete almost 10 years ago (when working in Portugal) and we have seen each other many times in the period, in various spots on the globe. we even lived together for a few months in Miami. Pete's friend Chris an his wife put us up for the night (across the road from Pete's place) in a wonderful old cottage and fed us a very scrumptous Easter dinner. The next day on the way back to Ramsgate to catch the ferry to Belgium we stopped in Canterbury. I had never been there and like to visit new places. It was a very charming city. Then that evening it was time to board the ferry and unfortunatly I was still a little hung over from all the wine I had drank the previous night. It was not a good (four hour) crossing of the North Sea.

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