Monday, July 9, 2007

Belgian Bikini Babes

The Pictures are:
1. Me and A babe
2. Me and The Babes
3. Nice Mullet
4. The motorcycle stunt show
5. Where are we going to get 1.21 Jigawatts?

A few weeks ago I made a comment that I was neither rich nor famous. But stay tuned I said, as the fame might come. Well, yesterday I got my 15 minutes here in Oostende. I was one of the announcers at a car show that had Belgian Bikini Babes, a motor cycle stunt show, the Hells Angels Belgium chapter and lots of classic cars of course.

On a side note, I am really upset I did not get a picture of the Hells Angel I saw taking a nap on the rainbow colored bouncy castle.

How did I wind up there? A few weeks ago I was a walking around town and saw a poster for a festival coming up with cars and girls, called the Coast American. I took down the website and emailed the organizer, saying that "hey, I'm American and I'm from the coast." Turns out Eva used to work with one of the organizers as well. They invited me over to meet them, and then told me to come to a BBQ later that week. The BBQ was set up to plan for the event, and at that point I was in.

On the day of the event we showed up at 9:30 in the morning. I went to work security at the front gate and Eva when to man the door to the kids corral. I basically just checked to make sure people had wrist bands, and the morning was fairly uneventful that way. Over in the kids area, there was a 16 year old girl to play with them, but they needed an adult to be there for legal reasons, so that was Eva's role.

Around mid-day they had me up on stage to announce that the motorcycle stunt show was about to start. After all I am American, and the show was called Coast-American, so I became a guest announcer. There was one other guy from America involved (Pat) very coincidentally from the next city over in the US, but living in Belgium for a long time.

After the stunt show and a band was the part we all (well the men) had been waiting for. The Belgian Bikini Babes came on with me to guide them. It was probably the coolest thing I have ever gotten just for the simple fact of being American. I had the best seat (well I was standing) in the house. So the girls came up one by one and I announced them. It was really cool. Most people in this part of Belgium speak English at least a little so me announcing in English was not a problem.

There were about 200 cars in total and maybe 1000 people. Not really sure on the numbers. If you ever wondered what happened to all the Deloreons in the world, well apparently they are all in Belgium. There were 10 places for the car competition and I (along with Mark-one of the main organizers) were on stage to present the winners.

It was a great day that Eva and I both really enjoyed. So in the last week I have been on TV in Belgium and on stage in front of hundreds of people. I am more or less like the Belgian Paris Hilton, just famous for being famous.


Unknown said...

1.21 jigawatts? 1.21 jigawatts? Great Scott!

(that's a lot of DeLoreans)

"davfid" said...

Only you would be so lucky!!