Thursday, June 14, 2007

Shortest Trek America season so far

In May I was back on the road recently, for a very short season. I led only 6 days of a 14 day tour which amounted to a total of 9 days work. The tour left Los Angeles heading north. I had 13 passengers from the UK, Denmark, Korea, Israel and Germany. We went up the coast to Santa Barbara one night and Monterrey. After that we went inland for two nights at Yosemite and then two nights in San Francisco. Normally it would have taken too much writing to tell of my Trek season Itineraries, but that's it for now. I had two weeks to spare (and needed some money) and Trek America had a schedule hole that was hard to fill. So we helped each other out, and I took over for the tour until they could get someone else out to fill in. It was good to be back on the road (leading tours) briefly, for a lot of reasons. My flight to Belgium was out of San Francisco anyway, and I had to make it from Lake Tahoe (at my mother's) to get to the airport. I know Reno-LA-Santa Barbara-Monterrey-Yosemite-SF is not the most direct route, but it got me there. So that was that, and a few weeks ago I finished what I think is my third "last" tour ever for Trek America. We do say in the company though, you have never really led your last tour, and if a job doesn't come to me soon in Belgium, I may call on my back up plans, back on the road

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