Friday, June 15, 2007

Family Time

The pictures are:

1. Me and My sisters
2. My sisters "bringing back the high 5" for Joe Park
3. Eva and I at Multnomah Falls, Oregon
4. My two brothers-in-law and my step-half aunt. Can you write a caption fititng of this picture?

Before the brief stint with Trek America, there was about a week plus with some much needed family time. I don't see many of them often so it was good to do so. But of course in typical me fashion, that family time was spent in four states; Nevada, California, Washington and Oregon. No reason to not include flights in family time. First it was a few days in southern California (Or the OC as so many unfortunately know my home as) to show Eva my childhood home (where my father and step mother still live) and take her to the beach of course. We also had a BBQ at the house and some friends came over that I don't get to see much. All were anxious to meet Eva, and of course the most common feed back was "wow she's great, whats she doing with you?"

I try not to question it too much.

So after a very short California stay we flew to Seattle where we stayed one night with my friends JJ and Soilee. Next morning we drove (my car was being stored in Seattle for the winter) to Northern Oregon and Southern Washington for my (much) younger sister's (Beth) wedding. The wedding was actually in Washington, but Beth and Rich live across the river in Oregon, so time was spent there as well. It was a great family day and didn't rain when it wasn't supposed to. Briefly the five siblings (Jeff, Kara, Jen, Beth and myself) were in the same place at the same time, which doesn't happen often. It was brief, because Jeff had to whisk out of there Fridays night to head to Brazil the next day.

After taking Eva to the airport VERY early the day after the wedding and a little more family time, I started heading south in my uninsured car. I only needed it for about 10 days, and didn't want to pay for a 6 month policy (could not find a short term one) so decided to risk it. The next night I made it, un-crashed to my mothers house at Lake Tahoe, near where I was going to store the car. So after a few days of a nice visit with my mother and step father, it was time to fly south from Reno to Los Angeles in order to start the tour I was to lead.

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